
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Thursday, December 14, 2006


A slow week, huddled by the fireside. H. and I have been dressing in full dogwalking regalia (green wellies, silly hats, torn anoraks) to brave the weather. After a thorough soaking down the Braidburn or Musselburgh beach, there are few more comforting experiences than to snuggle horizontal under a blanket watching the inestimable 'Judge Judy' dispense justice while the gales and downpour pound the windows. If this activity is sluggishly conducted in pajamas, all the better.

I seem to be exhibiting an attitude problem about the part-time work. Not with the work itself, but that it is termed 'part time' when technically it is casual work; as and when required, with no minimum wage. Pedantically, I'd prefer the accurate term was used instead of the euphemism, so we can be clear about boundaries. This month we are so very 'part-time' that the pay office forgot to process our payments. Oops.

Wee wan hates going to the GP, mostly because she's enjoyed rude health. However, she does love animos and may have acquired a zoonomic fungal infection. The primary oval lesion on her left ankle, spotted in October, has been joined by about 15 others on both legs, looking very much like ringworm. I thoroughly pissed off our GP by mentioning that a doctor friend said Canestan cream is not the treatment of choice for ringworm. My use of the term 'lesion' also annoyed him. He'd prefer that I call them 'pink spots'. On further research it looks like Canestan should work for ringworm, but then again it hasn't. Off to the nurse for skin scrapings on Monday and a piss test to screen for diabetes (or 'too much sugar in the blood', as he terms it). He is so miserly that he doesn't even provide a sterile container for the urine sample, as 'a clean jar will do'. I recall this admirably economical attitude from when I was pregnant, and also noticed that he rubbed wee wan's ringworm (infectious) with his bare fingers, then called in the next patient without washing his hands. Yeugh..

The solstice decorations are not yet up Chez Ion. This year we'll be taking my mum's tack and draping some lights over the Monstera and round the bookshelves. That's festive in my book. We were invited for Channukah with my Edinburgh folks tonight, but threw them over for an Xmas dinner with R., H. Alex and family. I'd better get my ass in gear to find gifts.