
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Friday, May 15, 2009


I made a client cry today during acclimitisation to a therapy she needs but doesn't want, and which makes her feel labelled as ill, old, compromised and ugly. She's none of these- actually she's gorgeous, intelligent, relatively healthy, definitely young, and vibrant; yet would probably benefit from the therapy recommended of she can thole it.

Instictively, I call her 'honey' and touch her knee when she cries, yet don't know (but hope not) if this represents an impairment of her dignity. Mainly I know I have to respond to pain in as intelligent and sensitive a manner as I can muster, and deal with this as constructively as I can, with ongoing attendance to personal and individual needs, and always the over-riding need to observe and internalise ethical standards. I tell her we can together work on and tailor the therapy over time, but that ultimately her decisions are hers to take. No one has the power to take decisions about her health without her sanction. She's a self-determining person, as long as these are empowered by information, and that I'll support these both personally and practically all the way.

My client happens to be born rich and was referred as a 'VIP requiring the full service'. This instruction was somewhat insulting, since all my patients are VIPs regardless of background. They all receive a personalised and individually tailored service to the best of my ability because that it is my job, the source of my satisfaction and the validation of my 20 yrs expertise. I don't know if she'll manage with the prescribed treatment, but I'll do my damnest to give her the best support if she chooses this.