
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Thursday, March 29, 2007


What a week- lots of all-nighters, daytime naps, obtunded consciousness (through sleep deprivation, not exogenous substances) and now quite losing track of the days. Another nightshift tonight. I must report that the back-porch slugs and snails have been absent over the winter and yet to reappear. I learn that our local slugs don't survive the winter and so I must await the new generation this spring. Some snails can live up to 12 years, but not local ones, who average 12-18 months. Imagine fitting in a lifetime of pain, pleasure and experience to that timespan! Every moment must be incredibly intense!

Today I was trained successfully in a number of jobbie skills. I really like my colleagues-to-be and the training was patient, clear and helpful. Then I shopped for the proper crunchies for Her Catness and Her catnip. They have a huge selection at Dofos- powder, leaf, spray or stuffed toys. I chose what I assume is the feline equivalent of primo skunk by splashing out on the leaf variety, and achieved a very affectionate homecoming from Her. Or rather, the shopping was received affectionately, for She had to scent-mark both food and catnip carton most thoroughly. I imagine that She imagines this puts Her in their good books.

Then it was off to the Jobbie Centre to try to sign off, to no avail. First, I'd written down my NI number wrong, so didn't exist. My fault. Next, I was advised by two separate advisors that it would really be a bad idea to sign off for a part-time job, even though if I pass probation it'll become full-time. Their understanding of the rules is that if I leave the jobbie or am kicked out at the end of 3 months probation I'll lose eligibility for the mortgage interest relief currently received, worth ~£370 month. I've found info on the DWP website that suggests that this benefit will kick back in immediately if I sign on again within a year, but they disagree. Currently, one of the advisors is seeking further info to see whether his training or the DWP website is correct. Oh joy. If the advisors are correct, what would I do? And what would Jesus do?

Upshot is that both advisor and I are each right, or each wrong. If I get fired within a year, benefit kicks back in immediately, but if I leave voluntarily it doesn't. Strategy: for the first 2 months be on best behaviour, but if it's unpleasant or undo-able become so intolerable that probation is failed. Bingo!