
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Friday, February 02, 2007

Mea culpa

The utility bill from ScottishPower was not a mistake, but reflected genuine overuse through a combination of my technical error, a broken double-glazed window and a cat who hates closed doors. For the last three months I have accidentally had the boiler pumping out central heating 24 hrs per day, through a lack of understanding of the symbols on my boiler's LED menu. That's a serious and stupid mistake. In addition, I lack repairs, insulation and sensible door-closing habits. If you haven't fiddled them, the meters don't lie. On my conscience is ~£300 of excess consumption of fuel and its disgraceful carbon footprint.
  • Action points
      • RTFM* on the boiler after 5 years and understand timer and settings
      • Call engineer about suboptimal boiler pressure
      • Instruct kiddos in radiator settings so their rooms will be heated only when needed (50% of week)
      • Keep internal doors shut
      • Move Her litterbox and food bowls so kitchen door can be closed
      • Insulate the 2" gap under front door
      • Get the fucking kitchen window repaired, no matter what
I thank you, and please learn from my mistakes.

* Read The Fucking Manual