
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Sunday, May 21, 2006

Evil eye

I'm a victim of domestic abuse... by Her Catness, who has run out of cupboard love for me just when I ran out of adult feline Science Diet crunchies for her. I know She's addicted to her Science Diet, but the petshop only had 'adult feline indoor' Science Diet in stock. Since She fits this description, I stupidly took on chance on it.

But no- She will not have it and is on hunger strike. The new crunchies are in the same flavour She demands, but must be slightly lower-calorie for your less active cat. They are also much paler than the old kind, a wheatmeal instead of an umber colour, and instead of being round are hideously triangular. What's a cat to do? The adopted solution has been to wake me early every mornings, and once given a fresh portion let me know in no uncertain terms that this is completely unacceptable. She trails after me, alternately begging (rolling submissively on her back) then patting furiously at my leg with an accusing glare and increasingly outstretched claws.

OK- I get the message, Noosh. I'm not as dumb as you think I am. A dear-departed cat of my dad's (Toute Suite, known as Tootie) was in the habit of registering her disapproval of bad food by scratching the treif out of her bowl. Dad admitted to deliberately buying sub-standard catfood just to make Tootie perform. For similar reasons, I'm keeping the indoor crunchies back for future use. Her Catness has given a spectacular performance of hunting behaviours and vocalisations the last two mornings- up on the sill at daybreak to see the birds flying, clacking her jaw, twitching her tail, her pupils enormous, and quietly saying 'eck, eck, eck' to herself.

PS I got a new camera