
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Friday, August 15, 2008

Enhanced Disclosure IV

Disclosure Scotland emailed on Friday that the wrong conviction dates in their response to my dispute was a result of their typo, and not SPFDU's.

I'd assumed that Disclosure Scotland was a public service organisation operating under civil service type management. Wrong. In its latest Annual Review I learned that Disclosure Scotland is an out-sourced service run for profit by British Telecom (BT).

The same organisation which handles my broadband tech problems with script-reading call-centre workers in Bangalore also manages Disclosure Scotland.

According to the Organisational Chart included in the 2007-2008 Annual Review, my dispute is being managed by a staff of 6, operating to a target of 21 days turnaround time on disputes.

However, BT's Disclosure Scotland is delighted to announce that it hit 2 million disclosures processed in April 2007, and its dispute rate fell from an initial level of 0.07% in 2005 to just 0.04% of their 783,0000 disclosure applications in 2008. Therefore I hope I don't screw up their excellent figures too much with my dispute.