
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Sunday, July 02, 2006


Nothing earth-shattering- just the bumblebee who stalked me home from Smiley's, being curiously drawn to my blue plastic bag. Bumblebees delight in the Genus name of Bombus, just one of the reasons they're held in such affection. She (for almost certainly she was female) was lost in gardenless tenementland from the swanky house 200 yards away. I guided her to the pubs' hanging baskets, to which she buzzed off happily. I cannot imagine an unhappy bumblebee, unless she were trapped under a beerglass. I would've invited her upstairs to the flat to pollinate the tomato flowers, but I suspect Her Catness would dispatch her rather rapidly. They're slow movers, in bee terms. Looking at her close-up, I was impressed at what a good impression of a bee-a-like some local yellow hollyhocks give inside their petals.

Last time we were in the Braidburn park, we saw a notice for an Insect Hunt at Burdiehouse Burn on ?Tuesday, to be led by the rangers. If it's anywhere as good as the Toad Hunt this spring, we'll have a great time. Parents have been dispatched (in a different sense) to the other end of the Braidburn park to ascertain the date of the Insect Hunt from the noticeboard.