
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Today's dumbest Observer articles

Sundays are for leisure, and apart from the intrigues of Jowellgate, the best belly laughs today came from these two on-line articles-

Jo Revill, chief health correspondant, arguing for optional Caesarean births. A culturally-and personally-biased, mildly hysterical polemic from a fundamentally blinkered and misguided, me-generation viewpoint. She doesn't know it, but is moving philosophically full-steam ahead into Brave New World and the Handmaid's Tale. I may write more later, if so moved.

A puffed-up journo interview with an 'Asperger's' rock star, who receives a patronising copy of Haddon's 'Curious Incident' as a personal gift.