
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Friday, March 03, 2006

I wanna (a list)

Second-hand digital camera.
My old one was recently condemned as uneconomical to repair, so I can't currently capture or present that which takes the eye. Edinburgh had a spectacular hour of blizzard white-out this afternoon, in which I had the pleasure to be out, luckily in hat and scarf. Watching falling snow makes one quite giddy, and the snow profiled the town geology, statues and architecture starkly.

Second-hand laptop.
Half the spelling mistakes here are due to deteriorative wear-and-tear in my keyboard's function. Three keys have been badly repaired with super-glue, and another six or so are wonky. If I had a new laptop, I'd equip it with one of those super-strength keyboard condoms you can get, to preserve it from wear and tear.

Second hand jersey.
It's as cold as a witch's tit today, but all my warm woollen sweaters have holes from hotrocks or snags from outdoor excursions, and I have nothing decent yet warm for interviews. A trawl of the 'dress exchange' agencies is in order.