
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Saturday, April 26, 2008



I injured my right index finger sometime early last week. It could have been Monday night when I carried heavy shopping home in plastic bags suspended from multiple fingers, or Tuesday night when I took a pizza out of the hot oven while pissed up.

On Wednesday the finger was a bit painful and developing small blisters- no big deal. Thursday morning the back of my hand was starting to feel sore and my arm heavy and painful. Thursday afternoon the wee blisters at the injury had merged into a single penny-sized and throbbing pus-filled blister, I could trace a phlebitic route of pain up the hand to my armpit and I began to feel achy and feverish. Thursday night I slept badly with feverish dreams, waking each time my arm or hand moved. The finger was fat, purplish and looked dislocated because of the blister and associated swelling. Friday my personal physician dropped me off a prescription for a wide-spectrum antibiotic, started that day, and I spent the day dozing in a fever dream.

Today it's already improved and nearly normal (see photo). The Badfinger is still a little discoloured and swollen, but much better than yesterday, and no fever and little pain. Thank god for penicillin!