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Saturday, February 04, 2006

C&W song

The rhythm comes from a 4-4 PJ Harvey song


Yaw and roll, roll and sway,
Roll along the tides away.
Take me to the watery deep
Take me down and let me sleep.

Bring me amber, bring me pearls,
Let me see your heart unfurl.
Looking for your shadow self
Rowing nowhere in a rudderless blue skiff.

Let me see the jewels up close,
Let me hold you in embrace,
I’ll bite the stone and test its worth
Tell paste from genuine carborundum.

'Love' is is a syllable, easy to say,
Show me I can finally trust you.
Look me in the eye and tell me
You were born again the day you met me.

I wait, observe and let them speak
The restless stones upon the beach.
Point your compass, let magnetism swing
Draw you and yours close, because its kinship.