
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Sunday, February 27, 2005

Daily Snores

Think of this as Newsnight but without Gavin Esler. Yer news today, here right up-to-date in the 21st century, is that the Pope is sick but still infallible, gay Anglicans are splitters and Saxe-Coburgs don't like each uvver. It's a revelation that church and monarchs can still generate so much pabum, but as usual the Sunday Herald makes something a little more interesting than the usual over these.

The public may also be shocked and dismayed to learn that Army recruits fall after Iraq war when every effort has been made to increase recruitment advertising. Whod've thunk it?

And this as Newsnight review, but without Bonnie Greer.
Pi- exquisite cinematography, mathematical theme and cabalism (not to be confused with cannibalism) too.

Dawn of the Dead- self-consciously formulaic, media-aware remake available on DVD, but much better on the big screen.

Hope to sees-
Beastmaster- apparently a Conan-genre classic featuring a steroid-overblown bodybuilder, a tiger sprayed black to be a black panther, a hawk dyed to resemble and eagle and two telepathic ferrets.
Yes Men- Responsibilities prevented attendance of this weekend's late-nite showing at the local mall (cf Dawn of the Dead).

Journalism worth checking, in the gonzoid school

Postscript: Nascent Observer blog features chips (they eat them), blogs as punk (may the saints and Mother Mary help me in my hour of need) and leftism as Harry's Hellhole.

It occurs that ObserverBlog fails to recognise that these are s'posed to be made in your own time, and bosses needn't own your thoughts. As yet.

The Ramones were an experienced, symbol-wise band who achieved a crossover market covering diparate nihilstic tendencies in punk and heavy-metal movements. Quite commercial latterly, especially the Phil Spector end. The End of the Century film had me laughing out loud in a silent audience. Joey didn't take full part, but Johnny was a class act.

Could Bonnie Greer review this please?

Addendum- Sau reports evidence that HST (age 65 or 67 years [see Tomb passim]), Gonzoid and Doctor, shot himself during a phone call with his wife (age 32) of 2 years' standing. If so, he's back in my doghouse for bad behaviour. What did I expect?