
Unreliable and possibly off-topic


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Stars, cars and bazaars

Stars (Astrology)-
Is there something maleficent in the local water, or is in the stars? Two close friends have been struck down in recent months with synchronous and similar events- unexpected and serious family illness, work stress and unexpected pet deaths. I refuse to believe this is divine retribution or karma, so a last refuge may be a common extraneous influence- astrology.

Cars (Transport)-
A friend was embroiled in an interesting encounter outside Smiley's (beloved cornershop) yesterday. The besuited driver of a 4x4 had parked on double yellow lines outside Smiley's, limiting if not totally obstructing cyclists and other vehicles turning safely. A female Blue Meanie (traffic warden) was ticketing the massive vehicle while its businessman driver bullied, berated and called her a Nazi and a bastard. This friend, who's a pre-frontal curser of pedestrians, drivers and Meanies while behind the wheel, uncharacteristically interceded to tell the driver that *he* was the bastard for parking his fucking 4x4 on double yellows. I've been ticketed and even towed, but you take yer lumps and don't personally abuse the poor drone.

Bazaars (Smileys')-
Smileys' is my beloved cornershop (stockist of a wide range of literature, fruit and veg, grocery staples, haberdashery, cancer sticks and novelties), and visited most mornings for my Independent etc. It also stocks Scottish Socialist Voice, Private Eye and Blonde Hair, baked goods (choc croissants, double choc muffins, yum-yums), free range eggs, diabetic jam, killer samosas and pakora and guava juice. The kids run up and down daily for 'messages', and they let me pay 'on tick' when I'm short of cash. Smiley's are open every day (and I mean every day) from 6.30am to 8.00pm, except for an hour for mosque on Fridays and the luxury of Sunday 'early' closing at 5.00pm and public holidays.

A rival 'Tesco Express' opened up the block last month. Smiley Bros told me they were worried about their custom declining, but that business has been OK, and also that Tesco Expresses are running at an economic loss in order to try to out-compete small family businesses like theirs. Support your local shop, and not the corporations.